The Nnuman community was an academic-industry forum supporting the development of the next generation of nuclear technology.
The community developed from the industry-led technical advisory board for Nnuman (New Nuclear Manufacturing), a £8 million, five-year EPSRC-funded programme which ended in 2017. The programme was led by The University of Manchester Dalton Nuclear Institute with support from the Nuclear AMRC and National Nuclear Laboratory.
Nnuman addressed new R&D capabilities to support the future needs of the UK and global nuclear industry, in areas including joining, advanced machining, near-net shape manufacture, and product performance.
With funding from the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, the Nnuman community extended this remit to cover the complete nuclear landscape. It aimed to identify and develop technologies and research programmes to support the manufacture of light-water SMRs, Generation IV fission reactors, fusion reactors, and advanced decommissioning and storage techniques.
The Nnuman community is no longer active, but its work continues through other R&D projects at the Nuclear AMRC and other organisations.